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South Florida Gardening Month by Month: What to Plant In February

Photo credit: Michael Wolf CCSA 3.0 / Wikimedia
February gardening in South Florida is generally a time of preparation, cleaning and replanting. Temperatures are warming, and there is generally no chance of a hard freeze. Now is the time to plant that vegetable garden you didn't get around to in September, or second vegetable crop can now be planted in order to get in a harvest before the summer heat hits. February is also a perfect time to refurbish those freeze damaged beds, or start a new one.

There is still time in February to plant most of what you didn't get planted in January. What most of our northern transplants consider summer vegetables still have time to bear before hot weather. February is a great month in the South Florida garden, and with the wonderful cool weather, one of the most productive months of the year.

Annuals to plant in February in South Florida:

Ageratum Hollyhock BegoniaPetunia Candytuft
AlyssumDianthus Celosia SalviaVinca
Marigold Nasturtiums Cosmos Portulaca Impatiens

Vegetables to plant in South Florida in February:


Bulbs to be planted in February in South Florida:

CaladiumBlood LilyLiliesDaylily