The garden is out of control.
For the next two weeks, I will be getting rid of probably 75% of the containerized plants in the courtyard and digging out a lot of ornamentals in the outside gardens. The hurricane scare (which was a non-event here in Gainesville) made me realize that these plants do not bring me joy anymore. I'd be much more joyful in nice, open courtyard with a few pretty plants that don't grow so large that they take over the space.
I planned to so this in the spring, and I did end up giving away dozens of plants and cuttings, but then COVID struck, and I didn't feel safe continuing. I made a friend during that who has a large yard and is young and healthy, so I've given her a lot of stuff. I gave away a good 3/4 of my seeds to a lady who is thrilled with them, and has planted enough veggies to feed her family from them, which does bring me joy.
I came here with about 30 plants, most of which were just small cuttings. For years, gardening brought me joy, because it had been so long since I had a garden I could call my own and grow whatever I wanted. So I went a little crazy. Lovely people sent me plants, cuttings and seeds, and I had so much fun growing them. Now it's not fun anymore, it's work, and as we all know, once a hobby becomes work, it loses it's joy.
I'll keep you up to date with before and after pics. I think you'll like the results. Many of you have been so kind with your gifts to me, and I wouldn't have this garden at all if it weren't for the kindness of garden friends. Now I will pass that joy on to other garden friends, so the circle can continue.