Giant Peace Lily in from the cold |
NOTE: This is a post I put into draft back in February and never finished, so here it is, as far as I got with it.
This is the most frustrating time of year for me. I want to get out and clean and trim, but the possibility that we'll have another freeze before the month is out keeps me from doing it. My garden just looks awful! But because of the mild winter so far, things that should have died back never did, like my Confederate Rose and Brugmansias. I almost hope we have a freeze to knock them back. I wanted them dormant so I could dig them up and move them.
After my neighbors tried to destroy my velvet bean vine, I decided to just take it out. I planted one of my Cherokee Purple plants in that pot, so I hope it does well. It gets afternoon sun, boosted by the reflection against the light-colored wall, and my very first Cherokee Purple did pretty well there when I first moved here. Of course, without full sun, I didn't get as many tomatoes, but I'm only one person, so it didn't matter. I have one other that I'll plant in a spot that gets the most sun in the yard. I have no full sun.
All the tropical milkweed and red shrimp plant are coming out this year. I'll probably pot up a few to sell, and give the rest away as "you dig." That area gets morning and a bit of midday sun, and I'll probably plant bush beans there.
I cut back the red hibiscus that never blooms, and also cut back the elderberry.
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