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48 Bananas: A Permaculture Tale

Woke up this morning to two more hands on the banana. You can see one of them poking out on the right above the bract. The top hand has opened up and I counted 12 fruits on every hand. Not sure

Garden Diary - September 21, 2016

Crocosmia Rescued From Trash Pile

I've been looking at my big "experiment" and thinking that much needs to change for next year. I stuck things here and there to see what they thrived, but once everything dies back, I'm going to be moving a lot of them.

Brugmansia - I don't need four pink angel trumpets, so I'll be

Why I Will Likely Not Grow Vegetables Any Longer

I thought this nice, sunny courtyard would be the perfect place to grow vegetables, but unfortunately, because of trees that block the sun for a good part of the day, there isn't enough direct sun to grow what I want. I don't actually like

Garden Diary - September 10, 2016

As you can see from the picture, my giant carrion plant, or starfish flower, is blooming. The flies are loving it, as it smells like rotting meat. This was one of my mother's favorite plants, and we traded cuttings back and forth for years until