I thought this nice, sunny courtyard would be the perfect place to grow vegetables, but unfortunately, because of trees that block the sun for a good part of the day, there isn't enough direct sun to grow what I want. I don't actually like
many vegetables. My favorites are all things I can't grow here; tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and peppers. I can grow them, but they don't do well, and the yields are not worth the trouble.
Greens, on the other hand, will probably do well here, but I'm not a big fan of greens. Collards are the only green I really like. I hate salads, so lettuce is not something I'm enthused about growing. Spinach and kale I can definitely do without. I've had some tropical greens growing all summer, and have not made one salad or cooked any of them. I just don't like greens.
I like potatoes and carrots, but they are so cheap, why take up space growing them? The sweet potatoes seem to be doing well, and I do like those, plus the vines make a good ground cover. I tried eating the leaves, but that didn't really appeal to me. Too bland.
I believe this is my last crop of tomatoes and peppers. Well, I really only have one cayenne pepper left, and it's not looking too healthy. I got exactly one squash from the yellow squash I grew last year in a container. The Seminole pumpkin vines are doing o.k., so I'll keep letting those grow and see what happens.
On the bright side, my banana is blooming, although sort of late, so probably won't bear in time not to get frozen. Just my luck. The one thing I could get to bear, and it's probably going to freeze.
All in all, I'm extremely discouraged by this space and will probably give up on all veggies but sweet potatoes next year. The pigeon peas did well, but I really don't like the taste that much, although they do make good chop-and-drop material. I may try to plant some blackberries against the wall, just to see what they'll do. Other than that, I'm thinking my veggie gardening days are over unless I can somehow, some day get a place with a sunny yard, and that isn't likely to happen.
Flowers are nice. I love flowers, and would rather grow thtem anyway, so no great loss. Growing veggies is just not my thing.
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Why I Will Likely Not Grow Vegetables Any Longer
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I feel ya. Reality is a drag. Some plans work, and most don't. So, yeah, I feel ya.
I wouldn't grow a quarter of the vegetables I do, except we're growing for food here.
Pretty much lothe the summer crops. Eggplant (which is stiil pumping them out) and Okra BLECH, thankfully the nematodes got.
We're just about done eating last years winter produce, so I look forward to Fall/Winter.
I actually love the summer crops, but I love tomatoes, squash and cucumbers more. It seems like everyone can grow veggies but me. It's discouraging, is all. I'm very good at growing flowers, so I'll just be happy with that.
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