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Garden Diary - March 16, 2019 - My Nearly Free Front Yard Bed

It's a nice, cool, cloudy day here in Gainesville, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to work on the newer front bed up by the fence. I'd stuck a few things up there, but it really was just trashy looking, no form, rhyme or reason.
I couldn't figure out exactly what I wanted to do with it until I lucked up on a bounty of free bromeliad pups in the trash pile at the community garden.

First, I planted a few more things on the back row.

  • A couple of brugmansia seedlings and a Suaveolens grown from a limb on the original plant that was in the way of the sidewalk
  • A clump each of yellow/orange short cannas and the taller dark-leaved Canna indicas.
  • Elephant ear bulbs I got from the community garden pile.
  • Some morning glory seeds and 4-o'clock seeds along the fence.

Next, I planted a row of bromeliad pups in front of the taller plants. Then, I dug a trench and stood up the edging boards that had just been lying there all winter.

Last but not least, I pulled out some of the overgrown oyster plants that were encroaching on the front walk and put them at the very front. The boards will protect them until they get established and fill in a bit, then I'll remove the boards and create a neat edge there.

The large side bed was going to be full of annuals this year, but I think that may have to wait. My plan for that is to bring the oyster plant border around in a curving border and move the butterfly garden in there, but that's a little bit more to bite off than I want to chew right now, so I'll just plant a few things in there this year, and work on finishing it up in the fall/winter.

Too Many Plants

I'm starting to sell and give away some of my plants, because I just have to many. I have a lot that need to be planted out somewhere, and a few I have no idea what I'm going to do with. I want to completely empty the courtyard and start completely over in there, but that may not happen until fall/winter, although I will do some clearing out in there before it gets too hot.

Right now, I have two fig trees, an olive tree I was given by my friend at the community garden, and rooting mulberry tree cuttings, none of which I know where I'm going to plant, because I don't have enough sun for most of them.

Ah, well. Right now I'm going to take a shower and think about all of that later.

Happy Gardening!